Friday, May 2, 2008

Memory system

Memory in a computer system is required fort storage and subsequent retrieval of the instructions and data.A Computer system uses variety of devices for storing these instructions and data that are required for its operations.Normally we classify the information to be stored on computer in two categories.
a) Data
b) Instructions

The Von Neumann Architecture

The von neumann machine uses stored program concept i.e,the program and
data are stored in the same memory unit. The computers prior to this idea used to store programs and data on separate memories. Entering and modifying these programs were very difficult as they were enterted manually by setting switches,plugging,and unplugging.


History of computers because this will give the basic information about the technological develoment trends in computer in the past and its projections in the future.If we want to know about computers completely then we must start from the history of computers and look into the details of various technological and intellectual breakthrough.

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